Transcendence & Death

Carey Baptist College is  hosting a conference on July 11th called: “Home or Away” – Locating sport and leisure in Christian faith and practice. One of our Pastors, Paul will be speaking on his love for pig hunting. Check out the images and information below.



I love pig hunting! It’s a ticket into another world for me, the timeless contest where hunters test their strength and resolve, and the courage and skills of their dogs, against a strong, resourceful, and potentially lethal quarry.

I love being a Christian. It’s the ticket into another world, the timeless experience of being connected to the eternal God. It’s a test of faith and trust. It’s a journey that is almost impossible without brave and resourceful friends, and there is a dangerous, deceitful, deadly foe on the prowl. This presentation will explore the intersection of Christian faith and the sport of pig hunting. It will consider theological issues around killing for sport, the ethics of killing, and hunting as a gift from God. It will examine the unique pastoral opportunities offered by this pursuit. It will consider the environmental implications for believers, and whether we can see hunting as a parable not just told but lived and experienced. This paper will draw on personal experiences over many years, reflections from a variety of hunters, reflections from my mother-in-law, and Biblical reflections on the abundant life that Jesus promised. My argument will be that while hunting is not for everyone, a life of challenge and adventure, the joys of success and the pain of failure, the welcoming of things which build courage and trust into our lives, are all part of God’s good purposes for each of us, and these things can be found and celebrated in our leisure time activities and sporting endeavours.

Paul Askin Co-Pastor, Kaiapoi Baptist Church