Every year, as the year draws to a close, it seems that we race head long
towards Christmas and we get caught up in the tinsel, the lights, and how many people are coming for dinner.
Yet, in the midst of all that, there is a simple message that calls us back to the true meaning of Christmas. Emmanuel, the humble birth of a baby 2000 years ago calls us, comforts us, and challenges us.
So we come to celebrate and contemplate the coming of Jesus Christ as a baby all those years ago. The Word became flesh and dwelt among us.
The birth of Jesus calls us back into a relationship with God himself. The birth of Jesus shows us that it was God’s initiative, not ours, that restored our relationship to God the Father. It is the same today; God still calls us to him through Jesus Christ.
The birth of Jesus comforts us with the sure knowledge that God, in his love, sent his Son to dwell among us. That in Jesus, his birth, life, and resurrection, we see the wildly extravagant love of God poured out for us!
The birth of Jesus challenges us to look beyond the things of this world. To see more than what is seen. Through the power of the Holy Spirit we are empowered to love this world, just as God loves it. To live lives that declare the goodness that God has poured out upon us, and exhort others to join us in this journey of following Jesus Christ – Emmanuel.
May you know the peace and joy of God’s presence as you celebrate Christmas with family and friends this year.