Jesus performed many miracles during his ministry, often in displaying the power of God in unexpected ways. In Mark 5 Jesus sets a man free from demonic possession. How Jesus…
As we read through the Gospels we see Jesus teaching in spaces and places with authority and wisdom. Secularist agree that Jesus was a great teacher, but he was more…
As we journey through the Biblical Narrative this year we come to the Major and Minor Prophets. These men of God all knew that God was a god who speaks,…
Jesus knew that we would need to resolve conflict. In Matthew 18 he outlines a process that is cloaked in relationship, love and reconciliation. As a church we are committing…
In 1st Kings 8 we see the consecration of the Temple by King Solomon. This is a high point for the Israelite nation. In this chapter we can learn about…
In the Book of Judges we see a cycle that Israel repeats time and time again. One of being at rest, then rebellion, followed by repentance and then a returning…