Don’t you just love the change of seasons, when the spring flowers bloom, the baby animals are born and the weather turns nicer? Below is a photo taken by Sarah-Jane on the Godley Heads walking track. It reminds me of when in the Bible Jesus is referred to as the Lamb of God. The reason for this is that Jesus came to be the sacrifice for our sins, lambs were used in Jewish culture as a sacrifice to God. I know for myself, I sure am grateful for Jesus’ sacrifice for me to be able to have a life eternal with God.
If you or someone you know is seeking the answers to life and how to live it better, we are currently running an Alpha Course and would love for others to join us on the 13th September in the back lounge at Kaiapoi Baptist Church, at 3 pm. Afternoon tea is provided so come have a cuppa and a conversation about life’s difficult questions.