Inquire, Don’t Disagree
Bible Text: Luke 5:33-35, Luke 6:1-11, Luke 14:1-7 | Preacher: Annette Williams | Series: Everyday Spiritual Conversations | Who likes being the odd one out? No one really likes to be the odd one out, at least not all the time.
However, as Christians we are increasingly becoming the ‘odd one out’ in society.
If we are to engage people in conversation, it won’t be long before people are saying things we disagree with – and this is certainly so when it comes to the big questions of life.
We believe that God has revealed himself, and that specific answers to life’s big questions are therefore possible. However, we live in a society that has embraced the view that the truth can’t be found – or probably doesn’t even exist.
What we’re going to look at today is how to turn these potential disagreements into conversational opportunities.