He Auaha Hou – Made New

He Auaha Hōu – Made New

Our theme for 2018 is Made New. This draws from the Thai New Year festival known as ‘Songkran’ and is a time of renewal, cleansing and honouring. It’s also a traditional festival that has been contextualised by the Church, symbolising forgiveness and renewal through the sacrifice of Christ on the cross. So we focus along these lines specifically concentrated on ‘A New Spirit’, ‘ A New Perspective’ and ‘A New Generation’.

We believe that mission is central to the heart of God and as followers of Jesus we have a responsibility to be involved, as He has called us to in Acts 1:8 and Matthew 28:18-20. That mandate is equally important to the places in which we live and work, and ‘beyond borders’ and ‘to the ends of the earth’. For the NZ Baptist Missionary Society (NZBMS) it’s the latter that is our heartbeat, specifically through Asia and the Pacific, and this has been the case for 133 years.

We pray that together, each with a part to play, that God will be glorified through this appeal and the Kingdom of God will be evident to many around His world.

On behalf of the NZ Baptists who are serving throughout Asia, sent and commissioned on your behalf, we thank you for your support.

Nga Mihi Nui.

Rachel Murray, NZBMS General Director

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