We begin our new teaching series this week: Outflow. It is based on the book by Steve Sjorgren and Dave Ping. This series includes Life Group resources and the teaching will complement this. Let us know if you want to join a Life Group for this 5-week series. We also still have a few books left, you can grab one from the Office – a donation to cover the price of the books is appreciated.
As part of our series in Joshua we took a moment to reflect on moments of God’s faithfulness in our lives. Our original foundation stone reminds us of a faithful people who trusted a faithful God in our early beginnings.
Just as the Israelites (Joshua 4:8-9) placed stones on the banks of the Jordan we have stones in our lives that remind us of God’s faithfulness and provision.
Each person was encouraged to write on the card and then take a small white stone as a physical reminder they could place in their home, so that they would remember. (Joshua 4:7)
As we launch into a new year we are re-visiting our vison and mission. Life has been disrupted over the last couple of years and we need to refocus on what the church is all about. For us at Kaiapoi Baptist we talk about LIFE.
Starting this week we pick up our Summer Series from last year focusing on Colossians. Come and gather with us as we spend time in God’s Word and in worship of Him.
On Sunday we started a new a sermon series: ‘The Elephant in the Room’. We will be looking at what it means to live out our faith in the current Covid19 situation. For two years we have experienced disruption in every area of our lives due to Covid19. Coronavirus and its impact on our lives including our faith has been the elephant in the room for some time, so let’s look at the elephant in the room.
Week Two of our Level Four Lockdown sees us begin a new series on the Armour of God. So grab a coffee, tea or other hot beverage and settle in for church online this week.
As always the link will be available from around 9:00 am on Sunday morning.
Our prayer is that you will be aware of Gods presence and that He will be the one whom we keep our eyes on in this difficult time.
Our new series that will meander through the entire year with a few stops on the way to explore some things more in-depth. Looking forward to all that God has in store! Below are the first set of readings….enjoy reading God’s Word.
God is weaving a masterpiece and we are all a strand within it. Our theme for Prayer and Self-Denial 2020 has been derived from the well-known metaphor of a beautifully woven tapestry. Throughout the appeal we have likened the top side of the tapestry to the Kingdom of God, with the bottom side symbolising the messiness of life.
Our Tranzsend people are serving in some very messy places yet, with God’s guidance and prompting, we are making the Kingdom of God known in the places we are serving.
1) Woven Together, Whiriwhiria te tangata (weaving the people). This theme celebrates the relationships we are a part of, as well as the uniqueness of God’s people. We all play a part in the masterpiece.
2) Mending the Mess, E renarenatia ana te miro mā, te miro pango, te miro whero e te karaiti ihu (All threads are tied together by Jesus). This theme challenges believers to trust in God through the mess. Only Jesus has sufficient love and grace to forgive and resolve wrongs that have come about from sin.
3) The Perfect Picture, Te tui raumata o te rungarawa (the tapestry of God). Though we will not see the completed masterpiece until Christ returns, there are times God gives us glimpses of His Kingdom here on earth. Each glimpse reveals to us more of His character and His heart for people.
God’s masterpiece is the fulfilment of His Will. Will you engage with us in God’s mission for this world?
Over the next few weeks we will be looking at Matthew 5-7, The Sermon on the Mount. We will be using some awesome video teaching from Video Bible Talks and reflections from people within our own church community.