
How to give from the heart without giving an arm and a leg!

I came across this article written by Nikki Bray about the way we give gifts at Christmas. There are some great ideas for gifts that can mean a bit more to those that receive them.

So click on the link below to be inspired this Christmas to move away from the commercial aspect of Christmas. Maybe the suggestions in the article will give you ideas of your own.

How to give your heart this Christmas without giving an arm and a leg!

2020 Christmass - FamilyLife Logo

End of Life Choice Act

In less than seven days New Zealanders will be voting on the End of Life Choice Act. This referendum is binding, the result will decided if the provisions in the act will become part of New Zealand’s legal framework.

Throughout the debate much of the conservative voice has been silenced and mocked. David Seymour argued in public meetings that one person should not have to suffer due to the moral choices of another. A subtle slight towards those of us who hold to the sanctity of life and death.

Yet the reality of living in community means we do this everyday! In fact as a team of 5 million we all ‘suffered’ a prolonged lock down and restriction of freedoms to protect those who are vulnerable in our society from the COvid19 virus. Our choices were restricted, and are still restricted to prevent harm to our most vulnerable.

This act will have incredibly detrimental effects on the care and well being of our most vulnerable. Please click on the link below to find out how you can encourage more people to engage in this important vote.

Christmas Shoe Box Appeal

It is so much fun to fill a shoe box full of goodies to give to a child who may never have received anything. The joy these children feel when given a gift like this is overwhelming.

We encourage you to take part in this appeal. Grab a box and information pamphlet, check the list of what you can and can’t put in the box, include your postage and drop it in to the church or look on the website (link below) for other places to drop your shoe box off. If dropping to the Kaiapoi Baptist Church, boxes need to be delivered no later than 25th October.

Samaritans Purse Tracking Operation Christmas Child |

Click on the link to go to the website for more information:

Christmas Shoe Box Appeal | Kaiapoi Baptist Church

Prayer and Self Denial

God is weaving a masterpiece and we are all a strand within it.  Our theme for Prayer and Self-Denial 2020 has been derived from the well-known metaphor of a beautifully woven tapestry. Throughout the appeal we have likened the top side of the tapestry to the Kingdom of God, with the bottom side symbolising the messiness of life.

Our Tranzsend people are serving in some very messy places yet, with God’s guidance and prompting, we are making the Kingdom of God known in the places we are serving.

1) Woven Together, Whiriwhiria te tangata (weaving the people). This theme celebrates the relationships we are a part of, as well as the uniqueness of God’s people. We all play a part in the masterpiece.

2)  Mending the Mess, E renarenatia ana te miro mā, te miro pango, te miro whero e te karaiti ihu (All threads are tied together by Jesus). This theme challenges believers to trust in God through the mess. Only Jesus has sufficient love and grace to forgive and resolve wrongs that have come about from sin.

3) The Perfect Picture, Te tui raumata o te rungarawa (the tapestry of God). Though we will not see the completed masterpiece until Christ returns, there are times God gives us glimpses of His Kingdom here on earth. Each glimpse reveals to us more of His character and His heart for people.

 God’s masterpiece is the fulfilment of His Will. Will you engage with us in God’s mission for this world?

Welcome to Spring!

Don’t you just love the change of seasons, when the spring flowers bloom, the baby animals are born and the weather turns nicer? Below is a photo taken by Sarah-Jane on the Godley Heads walking track. It reminds me of when in the Bible Jesus is referred to as the Lamb of God. The reason for this is that Jesus came to be the sacrifice for our sins, lambs were used in Jewish culture as a sacrifice to God. I know for myself, I sure am grateful for Jesus’ sacrifice for me to be able to have a life eternal with God.

If you or someone you know is seeking the answers to life and how to live it better, we are currently running an Alpha Course and would love for others to join us on the 13th September in the back lounge at Kaiapoi Baptist Church, at 3 pm. Afternoon tea is provided so come have a cuppa and a conversation about life’s difficult questions.

Christmas Shoe Box Appeal

It’s coming up to that time of year when we can bless a child in need that lives in a different country. The joy these children experience when receiving their special parcel is beyond words.

Personally I love filling up a couple of boxes, buying the gifts that go inside. It’s even more fun doing it with my daughters then packing and decorating the box at home. Giving Christmas to a child that may not have ever received a gift to themselves is a such a blessing to us.

If you would like to know more information, click on the link below or contact the Kaiapoi Baptist Church office.