Below is a resource from Family First. It is the sixth election that they have provided this popular family focused voting resource. I encourage you to click on the link and read through it as you prayerfully consider how you will vote in this years General Election.
This resource will help you vote for candidates and parties that share your values.
As a nation we have a unique heritage. We are a nation that sees its modern beginnings in an agreement, a treaty that ushered in a brave and new partnership never before contemplated by a colonising nation. Te Tiriti O Waitangi and its principles give New Zealand a unique foundation as a nation.
As we enter another Covid-19 lock down it is important that we keep our eyes fixed on Jesus the author and perfecter of our faith. (Hebrews 12:2) As the world struggles to contain Covid19 and we continue to face restrictions it also brings the reality of death into the public sphere.
We often talk about the Father and Son but don’t know what to do with the Spirit. Who is the Spirit? Why does the Spirit matter for how we live each day? Join us as we talk about the Lord and Life-Giver, the Holy Spirit, the under-stated but equally divine member of the Triune God; the person we know the least, who knows us best.
One-hour webinar with Carey’s systematic theology lecturer; Dr Christa McKirland.
Streamed live in the church lounge, please ensure that you arrive prior to 7:30pm.
Learning how to talk to God when you’re suffering, or angry, or furious, or complaining.
Featuring Michael Rhodes, April 7th 2021, 7:30 pm streamed in Church lounge.
In FOCUS Webinars are on every first Wednesday of the month. They are Bible College level teaching on relevant topics by current lecturers at Carey Baptist College, Auckland.
Ten topics throughout the year, with open discussion to follow.
The FOCUS Webinar Series is a monthly opportunity to engage with quality Bible College level teaching. Each session is delivered by an active academic practitioner from Carey Baptist College in Auckland.
Ten sessions throughout the year, streamed on the first Wednesday of the month.
This is the first article in the series on justice and race by Timothy Keller. Keller is a world renowned pastor, theologian and apologist. As our culture tears itself apart seeking more and more ways to divide us Keller offers an interesting challenge and critique to a deeply troubling issue.
In less than seven days New Zealanders will be voting on the End of Life Choice Act. This referendum is binding, the result will decided if the provisions in the act will become part of New Zealand’s legal framework.
Throughout the debate much of the conservative voice has been silenced and mocked. David Seymour argued in public meetings that one person should not have to suffer due to the moral choices of another. A subtle slight towards those of us who hold to the sanctity of life and death.
Yet the reality of living in community means we do this everyday! In fact as a team of 5 million we all ‘suffered’ a prolonged lock down and restriction of freedoms to protect those who are vulnerable in our society from the COvid19 virus. Our choices were restricted, and are still restricted to prevent harm to our most vulnerable.
This act will have incredibly detrimental effects on the care and well being of our most vulnerable. Please click on the link below to find out how you can encourage more people to engage in this important vote.
To say that there is plenty going on in the world at the moment is a classic understatement. We are living in and through a global viral pandemic. We are seeing rising social unrest that has spilled from the United States into our own country around the value of human lives and issues of systemic injustice.
This came across my desk recently and I thought it was worth sharing. Grab a coffee, or a tea and enjoy a great article from one of the worlds foremost theologians, N.T. Wright. Continue reading The New Testament and Heaven