Following Jesus One Step at a Time

“Come follow me.” It seems like such a simple statement by Jesus when he calls the disciples. But the reality was extremely complicated, over a period of three years or so Jesus taught the disciples much, showed them the reality of the Kingdom and they became his disciples.  He commissioned them to “go and make disciples” and that’s what we are called to be: disciples that make disciples. Mike Breen in his book Building a Discipleship Culture says: “If you make disciples, you will always get the church. But if you make a church, you rarely get disciples.” As a church we feel that God is calling us to “make disciples”.

So come and join us as we spend the next wee part of life looking at: “Following Jesus One Step at a time.”

Pentecost – Someone is Coming

Over the next few weeks we will be looking at the moments in the early church leading up to Pentecost.  The dramatic supernatural birth of the church.  From the Road to Emmaus, to Christ Ascension and Pentecost itself it was and exciting and confusing time to be a follower of Jesus Christ.  Actually that sounds a little like today, it is exciting to follow Jesus and it can sometimes be confusing. So come along and join us as we anticipate Pentecost!